Saturday, August 7, 2010

Last one I promise... WoWinschools

So after having spent much time reading about the WoWinschool project I have become very intrigued with the concept of teaching with video games. I viewed a video documenting the feelings of several of the students in the WoWinschool program and how they perceive the learning they have taken place. Several topics including communication, community, reading, mathematics, leadership, etc were covered and the students shared the experience that have had. In further reading about the tasks the teachers have charged the students with I can more clearly see the application of this game to improve tween and teen skills in a way that is fun for them. Some talk has been had of using the game Starcraft to develop focus and performance under pressure. I can see how this "training" would be useful in times of emergency. If a student had trained in a high pressure situation in a video game does that translate over into their real life? Can someone who saves the day in a game by acting fast and decisively do the same in real life? I don't know, but I am becoming more and more open to the possibility.

1 comment:

  1. Shay, Chelsea, or Jonas? I stumbled across your two posts on our WoWinSchool project and I appreciate your thoughts and feedback. I'm also glad you found the video with our students' comments. Just as an update, we're taking the program to the next level this year, as we offer a WoW-based language arts elective for 8th-graders. It should be an interesting journey, so be sure to check out our progress. And, of course, I'll be journaling the experience on my blog,

