Saturday, August 14, 2010

Beacon Street Girls

I found an article talking about 4 websites that are good for tween girls. To see that website click here. It directed me to a site that I really like called the Beacon Street Girls. Why do I like it you ask? Two reasons. First, it is wholesome. As I was navigating the site I saw that it was largely absent of everything we see on television or understand to be trendy. There is a bunch of stuff talking about how cool girls are, fun games for those who are interested and health tips. The website is clean and fresh feeling and the topics don't seem to stray anywhere risqué.
Second, it is innocent. It talks about scrapbooks, friendship bracelets, and poetry. I read another article a ways back talking about the transitions girls make during puberty. One researcher was arguing that there was no such thing as a tween, that the moment a girl has her first period she is a full fledged member of the teen squad. You are a kid or you are a teen and there is no in between. In my opinion that researcher had no idea what she was talking about. Biologically, maybe there is a sharp transition, but developmentally there is a lot going on for a long time. This site would be very good for that transition.

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