Saturday, August 14, 2010

Got the munchies for the macabre? Well eat up!

"The Borden Tragedy: A Memoir of the Infamous Double Murder at Fall River, Mass., 1892 by Rick Geary is one of several historic and macabre graphic novels. This one follows Lizzie Borden who is accused of brutally murdering her parents with an axe. The book is told from a neighbor's perspective who seems to be trying to figure out what really happened and who was responsible for this real life double murder.

I had mixed feelings about this book. It was interesting and presented the facts of this famous mystery, but it is also rather gruesome subject material and might not be appropriate for some tweens who are easily frightened or squeamish. I have noticed that a lot of kids are very interested in the macabre, so I bet it would be popular. The question is, it healthy for kids to read this kind of material, particularly because it really did happen? I don't know. I would probably still recommend it, but would more likely do so for a teenager who I knew and could better gauge if they could handle the subject matter.

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